Cure Your Pricing Strategy 


Quartz-Pharma fixe le meilleur prix de vente pour 

chaque produit

Les clients de Quartz-Pharma observent une croissance de leur marge de 15% en moyenne dès le 1er mois

Facile et rapide et automatisé, faite vos prix en quelques minutes, sans compétence techniques.

Logiciel de politique de prix sur mesure. Expert du secteur pharmaceutique. 

100% Cloud

100% Sécurisé

Des prix optimisés

Gestion politiques de prix sur mesure


Gestion fiches produits

Suivi Web

Veille online

Quartz Pharma® aide des centaines de pharmaciens à utiliser le potentiel des prix pour définir leur stratégie, sécuriser leurs marges, renouer avec la  croissance et redonner confiance aux clients.

You are no longer alone with price and product management issues .


Découvrir nos solutions ! 

Quartz-Pharma® is:

Better negotiation of purchase prices

  • Extrapolation of future public selling prices.
  • Visualization of your future margins.
  • An elasticity index to support your decisions.
  • Les tendances d'achat actuelles et prévues vous aideront davantage.

Politique de prix de vente adaptée

  • Soyez 100% autonome, 100% automatisé ou 100% accompagné.
  • Fixez des prix en fonction de vos ventes, de vos prix d'achat et des profils de vos clients.
  • Surveillance continue des augmentations tarifaires et des mises à jour prévues.
  • Exportez les prix au format de votre LGO.

Suivi du marché en temps réel

  • Votre marché et vos promotions sur Internet sont surveillés de près.
  • Configuration précise de vos notifications
  • Tendances de consommation et consolidation des retours clients.
  • Aucune limitation géographique, comparez vos produits dans plusieurs pays.

Gestion des fiches produits

  • Customization of your universes and categories or use our native categorization
  • Dynamic construction of your product sheets.
  • Re-wording of descriptions for a unique rendering
  • Multi-languages

Reliability and simplicity at the service of players in the sector 



Improve your image and margins 

   Receive your personalized recommendation of your prices according to your sales, your margins, but above all what customers are willing to pay! 

   Follow the evolution of your prices and be alerted on the loss of margins

   Save time by automatically managing laboratory price increases. 

     Personalized training and support from our experts 

En savoir plus -> 

Group managers

Manage points of sale with a global view and targeted actions

  Anticipate future selling prices and negotiate your purchase prices as well as possible

Work by type of customer and by product universe.

  Integrate the economic situation of your members to set the aggressiveness of its pricing policy as accurately as possible.

  Each of your members will receive a unique price policy adapted to their commercial capacities

   Training of your teams and advisers

En savoir plus ->

Pharmaceutical industry 

Keep a real-time view of your market and distributors 

  Follow the marketing and promotional practices of your distributors.

  Adjust your alerts to be informed of non-compliance with your conditions of sale.

Control the promotion of your products in E-shops

Identify the behavior of your competitors.

Analysis of consumer feedback and projection of trends


En savoir plus -> 

 Why  Quartz-Pharma® 

A complete solution.

Additional software.




A unique know-how

Digitization of the method

by Joelle Hermouet

Team involvement 

Delegation of work 

Reliable technology 

Power and efficiency 

cloud system

Your data remains private.

Our services  


The information collection and processing software that allows you to monitor the practices of your distribution channels, to be alerted to price changes or the arrival of new distributors.

Ideal for: industry, e-retailers 


   Document disputes and non-compliance with trade agreements.

    Collection and identification of products. 

  Multi languages ​​and multi countries. 

  Subscribe your employees to alerts. 


The free-to-use product re-pricing software that allows you to enter product sensitivity, set your public sale prices and compensate for your lost margins automatically. 

Ideal for: pharmacists, pharmacy groups 


     Customize the sensitivities produced. 

  Integration of laboratory prices and additives. 

  Automatic pricing. 


The platform for viewing multi-country product information. Constantly up-to-date information to take advantage of a media database and meet all your communication needs. 

Ideal  for: group of pharmacies, e-retailers, consultants, industry


    Viewing and sharing your product information. 

    Continuous enrichment. 

   Market categorization. 

15 years of expertise reflected in our software

Nos solutions sont compatibles avec tous les LGO  

Quartz-Pharma®  surveille quotidiennement :

Et plein d'autres ! 

Faites vos premiers pas avec Quartz-Pharma®

Il n'a jamais été aussi simple de sécuriser vos marges et d'améliorer votre image !

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